Friday, April 4, 2014

I hope you all had a great spring break, I spent mine in Southern California, which was not as warm as expected but still had nicer weather than Portland! Over the week, I toured UCSD, Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Occidental and USC, and visited the campuses of USD and UCLA. I ran into several St. Mary's girls at the colleges, and even had some fellow Ambassadors in my Pomona and Occidental tour groups. I really appreciated the opportunity to see the schools, and I am now planning to apply to some of them.

As much as it may sound like it, my trip wasn't all college visits. I still managed to squeeze in some shopping, see some family in San Diego, and even see a few celebrities! The day I visited the University of Southern California a pilot was filming for a new show, that stars Viola Davis and Alfie Enoch, who played Dean Thomas in Harry Potter. As a huge Harry Potter fan I was thrilled to get a picture with him. Additionally, I ended up eating in the same restaurant as Miley Cyrus, and I was even able to take a selfie with her!  

All in all it was a great break, and I wish I had another week to sleep in! This week back at school has been very busy, with the quarter ending tomorrow. I've been running back in forth between clubs getting forms signed, and working on finishing up some projects that are due before the quarter ends. It's crazy to think that in just a few months I'll be wrapping up my junior year! Until then I expect to be very busy, with some major events on the horizon including a Model United Nations conference, AP testing, and taking the SAT.

I hope you all had great breaks, and that those of you recently back in school have had an easier time adjusting to getting up early than I have!