I can't believe it's already March. This week has been particularly difficult for me, due to daylight savings time. I'm not a morning person by any means, so loosing an hour has been messing with my schedule! However, I'm eagerly counting down the days until my birthday (next week!) and spring break the week after that. Over the break I'm going to California for a bunch of college tours, which I'm excited for. However, before then, we have our Mock Trial State Competition!
This Friday and Saturday I will be spending part of the day at the Federal Courthouse, competing with the rest of the SMA varsity team against the best teams in the state. Last year, the St. Mary's team won state, and was able to go on to nationals. Earlier this month both St. Mary's team competed at the Multnomah Regional competition, and despite some challenges in our first round, our team was able to progress and make the cut for this weeks competition. I've had so much fun getting to know my team members, and I'm very proud of all we've accomplished in the last few months. I hope the many, many hours we've spent practicing and working pay off, and that we compete to our best ability. Mock Trial has certainly been one of my favorite activities this year, and I highly recommend that anyone who is interested take the class (after school first semester), and then try out for the team.
I hope you all have a great Spring break, and that any current SMA students reading this and going on Sophomore Retreat or Junior Encounter later this week have fun!