Friday, January 31, 2014

...and we're back! After a week of finals it was great to have the weekend off, even though I personally had to take the SAT and do some Mock Trial and Model United Nations work this weekend. Grades are due for teachers tomorrow, and so far it seems like the hard work my friends and I put into studying has paid off.
I'm excited about the new start of second semester, and for the two new classes I am beginning this week, Speech and Social Justice. Speech is one of the required classes at SMA, and I've heard good things about it. Social Justice is the second semester Junior religion course, replacing Ethics. I'm interested in learning about the service portion of Social Justice, and finding an organization to help out at.  
Will any of you be at interviews this thursday, the 30th? If so I may see you there! 

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Happy dead week! Although this week, the week before finals, is supposed to be about review, I still have a couple quizzes and presentations to do before the weekend. Then, beginning on Tuesday I have finals, two per day. I plan on studying all weekend with some friends in order to prepare. I don’t like test taking, but I do like that during finals we get out early every day, and that the following Monday we don’t have school! 
Since back from winter break I have been busy with classes, clubs, Mock Trial, and other activities. Last week, I helped out at the Scoop, an event for potential new St. Mary’s students. I worked in the spa room, painting manicures and giving out temporary SMA tattoos. I met some great 8thgraders, who I hope to see at SMA next fall. 
 Good luck to all future SMA students on their applications and to all current students on their finals!