Thursday, September 12, 2013

Hi Everyone!

Hi everyone! I can't believe I'm already back in school. This summer was great; I traveled, hung out with friends, went to concerts, worked, and of course, did my summer homework for my AP classes! While I'll miss sleeping in and the lazy days of summer, it's nice to be back in the SMA community, and I'm excited about my course load this year. 

It's only the second week of school but I can tell already that it is the year of the iPad at SMA, since the school just began its 1:1 student iPad program! I'm excited to see how my teachers utilize the new technology, and I loved seeing the teacher iPad dance at the welcome back assembly! If you happen to be by the SMA campus, see if you can spot the statue out front that has its own iPad, or if you're interested check out the infamous teachers' dance on the SMA Facebook page, or by clicking Here.