The sun is out and I'm ready for summer! With AP tests wrapped up and teachers starting to discuss finals, the end of school seems near. I'm so glad to have just wrapped up a difficult week of testing, but sad that it means some of my favorite classes are reaching their end. Still, summer is my favorite time of year so I'm excited to be moving toward warm weather and sleeping in!
Last week I attended the St. Mary's Academy Awards. It was great to see my classmates get recognition for their work, and I was especially inspired by the Seniors receiving cords (for things like service, athletics, and the arts) which they will wear for graduation, which is only a few weeks away! I'm so excited for all of the senior class, but I'm going to miss them.
Last week I also found out that I was accepted to an all expense paid camp to learn Swahili, held at the University of Oregon. I love learning new languages, so I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to learn a language not typically taught until college. What are your plans this summer?